Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Canon EF 24-70mm f/4L IS USM ISO 100 70mm 0 ev ƒ/7.1 1/250
Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Canon EF 24-70mm f/4L IS USM ISO 100 24mm 0 ev ƒ/9 1/160
Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Canon EF 24-70mm f/4L IS USM ISO 100 24mm 0 ev ƒ/10 1/200
Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Canon EF 24-70mm f/4L IS USM ISO 100 33mm 0 ev ƒ/8 1/160
The first photograph is of a morning walk, and the other three are of an afternoon walk. For the afternoon one we walked all the way to a beach that is north of the house, near where there is a building that has a sauna and there’s an outdoor pool with a tower sculpture made out of wood. The design of the locker room looks like it could have been done by a Scandinavian sculptor for a modern art museum. The beach is accessed by a narrow path with a rail road tie tiered staircase through the cypress trees.
The tide was very low so there was a part of the beach open that normally is covered in water. Claire and Jessie picked up a large piece of kelp and played tug of war with Ramona. Ravi swung a different piece of kelp around like a comic book character would. I went swimming in the Ocean. There was little wave forming around one of the rock islands, and I was able to body surf several before I heard Ramona barking.
I swam in, and ran back to where she was straining at the leash in an effort to eviscerate a small white dog, and medium sized white person. The person, who had superimposed its attitude upon in its animal, thought both me and Ramona had not met the unwritten credentials for being at this ipso facto exclusive location. The white dog and person were correct. Ramona and I did not meet those credentials. Furthermore, we didn’t care, and weren’t ashamed. There was a man boldly taking my photograph as I ran to intervene. I don’t believe he was affiliated with the party Ramona wanted to murder, but it was the same attitude; that we were exotic, and assumed we’d know our place.
I sprinted past the photographer and reached Ramona. I picked her up in my arms. She squirmed and licked my face. She did not like how freezing cold my body was, but did enjoy the taste of dripping salt water. I put Ramona down and Jessie and I ushered her off the beach. Claire and Ravi followed. There was much discussion as to what caused Ramona’s aggressive behavior on the way home. It really wasn’t a mystery to me though. It’s just gets you in trouble to say out loud. I’ve learned this, and Ramona has not.