-A Song is Swallowed By a Fish (michael piano.)
-Your Child's Leaving Home (michael piano. nineteen seventies)
-I Have No Ring Around My Finger and Nowhere Else to Be (key of D. Play percussion if u don't know the tune)
-The Bluebird Canyon Road (half time verses, full time chorus, full time third and final verse.)
-Telling the Story of the Evening Sun (sparse. seeds in the wind.)
-There is No Need to Name the Moon (Michael plays intro. Band comes in slow. Builds to crescendo just before end of B section. Todd concludes.)
-The Dictionary is the Book of Love (Start lightly, let come what will)
-The Awakening Spirits Dream a New Day (front porch.)
Options for Extras:
-Translating the Birdsongs
-Each Creature Dreams a Peculiar Dream
-Coyote Recaptures the Stolen Jewell and Returns it to the Sea
-The Spellbound Traveler Loses All Possession
-Playing the Violin with Broken Strings
-When I Fall in Love with You Again